sawa42017-01-24 13:47:20
sawa4, 2017-01-24 13:47:20

How to set up a website on debian without a domain?

Good time!
The guys have a small LAN, where there are about 10 computers. One is debian with all the settings for the site.
The debian machine is fully configured and working. There is a connection through external and internal IP.
There is a subdomain to which the IP of the computer is assigned as a DNS server.
The question is how to configure the site itself to open by IP?
that is, instead of It works! to open the index page of the site (/var/www/sitename)
In which direction to dig?
Karoch mysql is restored from a backup, it works for a while, then it crashes

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3 answer(s)
chupasaurus, 2017-01-24

  1. Remove the default site configuration from the existing ones (/etc/ webserver-name /sites-enabled/default)
    In Apache, config file names traditionally end with .conf

Victor Taran, 2017-01-25

make sure that the site opens at any address, you need to put it in the folder with the default site, this is in /var/www- all requests that were not in any virtual host fall here, in other words, the local dev is zero. for requests of sites that Apache did not find. Therefore, in any case, he will bar him from here. Regardless of what name you call it or by IP.
if you need to change the current location, then
it throughout the config, and that's it.
Well, or create a full-fledged virtual host.
<VirtualHost 111.1111.111.111:80>and further down the list

sawa4, 2017-01-25

Karoch now there is a problem with starting mysql
if you delete ibdata1 then it starts differently:
[FAIL] Starting MySQL database server: mysqld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . failed!

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