daniladaniladanila2015-06-26 22:01:54
Text editors
daniladaniladanila, 2015-06-26 22:01:54

How to set up a computer for an elderly person?

I have such a task. Provide grandmother with a computer-typewriter, in which it is impossible to make mistakes when typing. He wants to write memoirs, which, by the way, would be interesting for me to read myself. She knows Russian layout.
You need to somehow secure it from pressing all the extra buttons. She only needs text and nothing more. In theory, even a notepad will do, but there should not be any more buttons on the screen (including Start, etc.). She turned on the computer - she had her text on the screen, right away.
I thought about the iPad + external keyboard option, as the most friendly to the common man, but the circuit with an external keyboard is annoying, I will have to somehow explain how to connect it, etc.
Maybe someone will come up with an idea?

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386DX, 2015-06-26

Voice recorder

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