nanashi21602019-02-08 12:47:20
Adobe Photoshop
nanashi2160, 2019-02-08 12:47:20

How to set the size of a text field in Photoshop to the size of the text inside it?

Good afternoon.
I just can’t understand how in Photoshop you can change the size of the text field according to the text itself, and not manually adjust the sides each time. In XD there is a similar option, whoever saw it will understand. The question is, is there a similar one in Photoshop?
Thank you for your attention to my question.

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1 answer(s)
Neron, 2019-02-08
Lordov @Nekto_Habr

If speech about area text - that in any way. Photoshop is such an antiquity, and everything that is not related to editing a raster is very badly implemented in it. Especially working with text is a pain. Because of this, it is easier to edit the pictures in Photoshop as needed, and to assemble the layout in another program (indiz, chandelier, or even figma), transferring the edited pictures there.

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