Respect and good to all2018-12-06 12:29:04
Respect and good to all, 2018-12-06 12:29:04

How to send a financial monitoring report from a 1C thick client?

Tell me, I have generated a financial monitoring report for a certain period, and what to do next with this, how and where to send it? The question may seem amateurish for users, but be understanding...
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4 answer(s)
ummahusla, 2016-01-11


Dmitry Kinash, 2018-12-06

I don’t know what you have on Yandex (a site banned in Ukraine), but the question is somehow wrong. I would ask other questions:
1) What is your position? Are you sure you're doing your job?
2) Who instructed you to make a report? If you were instructed to make a report in 1C and then send it, then ask the source of your order HOW and WHERE.
Notes on terminology:
1) Thin and thick clients for the user differ in the amount of occupied RAM.
2) 1C is a company in Moscow. They have developed a development platform that creates hundreds if not thousands of solutions. If you want practical advice, then in the future, say the platform number and configuration name.

Konstantin, 2018-12-06

https://buh.ru/news/automation/64114/ -

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