Alexey Nikolaev2019-09-11 10:47:42
Web development
Alexey Nikolaev, 2019-09-11 10:47:42

How to run Unicorn and Webpack Dev Server together?

Good day!
There is a project in Ruby. Works in docker on Unicorn. I would like to attach hot reload to the frontend of the project, for which you need to run the webpack dev server. I do it with Foreman.

# Procfile
frontend: yarn server # запускает dev server на 3000 порту
backend: bundle exec unicorn -c /app/config/unicorn/development.rb -E development

Actually, the dev server seems to start, but the pages do not open. This is logical, because the site is launched from under Unicorn + Nginx. And here's the problem: how to make them friends? If I make frontend and backend on the same port there will be a conflict and nothing will work. If on different ports (as it is now), then it does not work either. In addition, there is a port that is forwarded from the container to docker-compose (now this is also port 3000).
version: '3.4'
      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile.development
      - 3000:8080
      - postgres
      - redis
      - elastic
    command: foreman start -e .env.development
    # все остальное, тома, окружение, т.п.

In general, how to be? How to run Foreman Unicorn + Nginx + Webpack Dev Server from under docker compose?
Thanks in advance.

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1 answer(s)
chupasaurus, 2019-09-11

Once you have such a sandwich. could have a location in nginx proxying to the dev server.

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