LeonidPokrovskiy2019-12-05 21:52:50
Web development
LeonidPokrovskiy, 2019-12-05 21:52:50

WebSocket chat on OpenServer - zashkvar?

Recently, on a toaster, I heard an opinion that doing WebSocket chat on OpenServer is a bummer. It's true? If yes, why?
I can easily develop a chat, upload it to a normal hosting and that's it. What's the problem then?

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3 answer(s)
Rustam Bainazarov, 2018-12-28

Image comparison slider.

Randewoo, 2019-12-06

Actually, those who say so - they themselves do not understand anything in the development.
OpenServer was just created for development, before rolling them out into production.
I use it myself all the time, if some script needs to be edited, and then uploaded to the host.

SagePtr, 2019-12-05

OpenServer is simply a collection of popular web server applications (apache, nginx, php, mysql and a few others). There will be no difference from the fact that you use them in the kit, or your hoster installs them separately, except that the difference is that in the case of OpenServer it is under Windows, and the tools are primarily designed to work under Unix-compatible systems.

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