Maxim2016-04-01 17:33:39
Computer networks
Maxim, 2016-04-01 17:33:39

How to run spacy in cooked mode?

There is a task to capture traffic from the machine. As a solution, I use scapy.
The host is configured with two interfaces ethX and tunelX ( tunnel )
It turned out that tcpdump captures all packets by filter, but scapy does not.
After a little investigation, we found out. tcpdump, if interface "any" is specified, runs in 'cooked mode', which means it will create a socket of type SOCK_DGRAM. This is necessary, because in "tunnel packets" some information in the link-layer may be missing or partially present, which may not allow determining the type of the packet.
Indeed, if you run strace on a scapy script, you can see that packets arrive at the socket, but are not captured.

927689 recvfrom(3, "..some-data..."..., 65535, 0, {sa_family=AF_INET6, sin6_port=htons(53), inet_pton(AF_INET6, "...some address...", &sin6_addr), sin6_flowinfo=0, sin6_scope_id=0}, [28]) = 105
927689 recvfrom(3, "..some-data..."..., 32767, 0, {sa_family=AF_PACKET, proto=0x86dd, if4, pkttype=PACKET_HOST, addr(6)={1, 30d17e75727f}, [18]) = 246
927689 recvfrom(3, "..some-data..."..., 32767, 0, {sa_family=AF_PACKET, proto=0x86dd, if4, pkttype=PACKET_HOST, addr(6)={1, 30d17e75727f}, [18]) = 86
927689 recvfrom(3, "..some-data..."..., 32767, 0, {sa_family=AF_PACKET, proto=0x86dd, if4, pkttype=PACKET_HOST, addr(6)={1, 30d17e75727f}, [18]) = 86
927689 recvfrom(3, "..some-data..."..., 32767, 0, {sa_family=AF_PACKET, proto=0x86dd, if4, pkttype=PACKET_OUTGOING, addr(6)={1, 90e2ba55f6e8}, [18]) = 271

Only the last packet got into the dump.
Actually, I have a few questions.
To what extent is my assumption correct and does it work exactly as I described?
Unfortunately, I have no idea how to see the link-layer of a package that was not included in the dump. And there is no point in looking at the collected tcpdump, since the link-layer headers have already been replaced. So I can't test my theory.
How can scapy be run in 'cooked mode'? I did not find answers in the documentation.

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