frondEnd2020-04-27 17:32:40
frondEnd, 2020-04-27 17:32:40

How to replace words in a sentence with links using JS?

I have a field with genres in which the names of genres are displayed separated by commas. like this:
genre: action, western, thriller, etc., genres are always written in the same way, that is, with a small letter and do not decline, how to make the script find a certain word in the line and wrap this word in a link to a category, replace it with links need all the words in a line, each has its own link.

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2 answer(s)
Alexey Tutubalin, 2020-04-27

Cross-reference module /admin.php?mod=links if it doesn't work System settings-> Optimization ->Enable support for 'Cross-references' module

frondEnd, 2020-04-27

That's why I'm looking for another solution.

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