fatalmoon2020-12-30 22:34:14
Text Processing Automation
fatalmoon, 2020-12-30 22:34:14

How to replace HTML code in many files?

I have 2000 html files where there is a div that needs to be replaced with another, along with its content, but the content of each file is different.
Is there any program that replaces by tags, works like an adblock filter?

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4 answer(s)
Vladimir Kuts, 2020-12-30

Try to use find + sed combination if on Linux

VegasChickiChicki, 2020-12-30

In WebStorm cntrl + shift + R - search through all files, you can also specify what to replace

Karpion, 2020-12-31

Notepad++ can open many files and replace all of them. You can use regex for this.

Artem Ivanov, 2020-12-31

you won't find a better program for this task

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