Victoria2016-03-14 12:26:30
Victoria, 2016-03-14 12:26:30

How to remove underscores in PhpStorm that the method in the class was not found, although everything is working correctly?

I set everything up to work with Smarty, using the assign() and display() methods, PhpStorm actively highlights them in yellow and says that such methods were not found, but everything works as it should.
How to remove these underscores, what does he not like?

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1 answer(s)
Alexey Skobkin, 2016-03-14

  • Use the phpDoc annotation to specify the correct class for the variable that contains its instance.
  • Disable validation in Editor -> Inspections -> PHP -> Undefined -> Undefined method. But it's better not to do that. Inspections are not designed to annoy the coder.

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