deelpro2020-08-17 11:56:46
android studio
deelpro, 2020-08-17 11:56:46

How to refer to the class of another module?

Good afternoon, colleagues!
I want to move the utility class into a separate module.
What I did for this:
1. File > new > New Module > Android Library > gave the name "Utils" and clicked finish
After that, the module appeared in the application. It has its own package structure.
2. Created a CustomTabs class in "Project\Utils\src\main\java\com\example\utils" (the path was created automatically)
3. Checked in setting.gradle it says "project(':utils').projectDir = new File ('modules/utils')"
4. Then I tried to refer to it, but nothing happened, I read somewhere that I still need to register the dependency in build.gradle > I wrote "kapt project(':Utils')", but still nothing works.

Tell me, how can I refer to this new class in the new module from the main application module? What is needed for this?

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1 answer(s)
Sergey Vodakov, 2020-08-17

In the build.gradle of the dependent module, write:

dependencies {
    implementation project(":utils")

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