Sergey Boldyrev2018-09-20 20:20:32
Sergey Boldyrev, 2018-09-20 20:20:32

How to receive documents from 1C via OData (such as "Cash receipts ..." or "Receipts to the current account ...")?

Everything that was needed in Catalog_..., I have already pulled out, but I just can’t figure out where to get the documents from.
I know at the entrance, let's say, the Counterparty, how can I get his documents? And where can I see the list of document types?

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3 answer(s)
Sergey Boldyrev, 2018-09-20

I understand.
I have an incomplete script for filling the Composition of the standard OData interface, there are only reference books. Accordingly, everything is fine with them.

jerrygacket, 2018-10-10

I did various uploads from 1s to php. There is a get1cData function that generates a query in 1s of type select ... from ... where ...
For example:

SELECT РасшифровкаПлатежа,Date FROM Document_ПоступлениеБезналичныхДенежныхСредств WHERE DeletionMark ne '1' and Контрагент_Key eq guid'55eb8070-a2f9-11e4-4d8d-002590d86530'

Will look:
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request;
$client = new Client([
  'base_uri' => "$server1c/$base1c/odata/standard.odata/",
  'timeout'  => 600.0,
$raw = get1cData($client,$userName, $userAccessKey,'Document_ПоступлениеБезналичныхДенежныхСредств',
  'DeletionMark ne \'1\' and Контрагент_Key eq guid\'55eb8070-a2f9-11e4-4d8d-002590d86530\''


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