Goshanbo2018-05-21 21:24:55
Goshanbo, 2018-05-21 21:24:55

How to quickly respond to new tasks on freelance exchanges?

Good day.
I am just starting to enter the field of freelancing as a freelancer and in connection with which I had a question - How to quickly respond to new tasks on freelance exchanges?
The fact is that, for example, within half an hour after the appearance of the project, about 30 performers run into fl. I have the opportunity to monitor the exchanges every half an hour, but being the 30th, as I understand it, means going unnoticed.
Tell me, how did you solve this problem for yourself?
Perhaps you used some parsers, if so, which ones?
I tried AlotPRO, but this parser has too abstract selection - that's why it's inconvenient to work with it.
Thanks in advance for your replies.

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6 answer(s)
Anastasia Mr, 2018-05-21

auto-replies are usually screened out by the customer, as they are abstract and often off-topic.
I work and update the feed in parallel, I see a new order, I write and continue to work

Anton Kiselyov, 2018-05-22

Search for orders on sites other than ad.kg
Catch from my selection:
• CIS freelance exchanges
○ https://primelance.com - freelance exchange aggregator.
○ https://freelance.ru/
○ https://freelansim.ru/
○ https://YouDo.com
○ https://fl.ru/
○ https://freelancehunt.com/
§ Price statistics https:/ /freelancehunt.com/statistics/rates/currency/rub
○ https://www.weblancer.net/
○ www.free-lance.ru
○ https://yukon.to — free for now (January 2018)
• International freelance exchanges
○ https://www.upwork.com
○ www.freelancer.com
○ https://www.peopleperhour.com
○ https://www.guru.com
○ fiverr.com
○ https://envato.com
○ https ://talent.hubstaff.com
○ https://remoteok.io
○ https://weworkremotely.com
○ https://www.cybercoders.com
○ https://djinni.co
○ https://www.toptal .com
○ https://www.linkedin.com
○ https://elance.com - purchased by upwork
○ https://odesk.com - purchased by upwork

coderisimo, 2018-05-22

My experience with Upwork, but may come in handy.
1) Prepare several templates for general directions. For example, I had for WordPress, work with the database, work on optimizing sites. Each template contains a description of experience with real cases
2) Before submitting an application, supplement the template with specific comments specifically for this project. They can also be partially prepared. For example - in addition to the implementation, the deployment of the project on the server is required - you have a couple of lines about this, etc.
3) You can add something unique for this particular project. "Great idea with a logic game site for kids! My 7 year old has been looking for something like this for a long time!".
4) write that you do not use ONE common application for all projects, that you are studying the task before sending the application)
5) let the job site be open all the time in a separate tab, update it regularly
6) Time of day is also important. Determine when there are fewer people and try to "be in touch" during this period.
With due skill and preparation, it will take 3-4 minutes to submit such an application. At the same time, the application will be adapted to a specific project, which will distinguish it favorably from the template applications of competitors. I really tried to find something interesting for myself in the project and mentioned it in the application. Moreover, he did not play with his soul and, I hope, it was noticeable to the customer.
The rest is up to you)))
PS All this is my IMHO)

Viktor, 2018-05-22

This is because you are a coder. There is a lot of competition there. Since even schoolchildren can do this work. And yes, there are a lot of bots on FL.ru, and this is very inconvenient.
Learn something difficult. For example, work with video chats and video broadcasts. And the bot will not be needed, since the competition is lower and the cost of work is such that the customer will consider all proposals in any case.
For example, here I made orders https://freelancehunt.com/project/konsultatsiya-po... and https://freelancehunt.com/project/nastroit-videopl... both without rates. Although if it was a layout, then there were also about 50 applications.

Puma Thailand, 2018-05-21

A bunch of software for an autoresponder on fl
Do not like it ready write your own

Yan-s, 2018-05-21

The first is always more likely.

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