Max Ba2017-04-05 10:45:55
Max Ba, 2017-04-05 10:45:55

How to protect a subdomain without authorization?

Guys question. There is a certain CRM closed by authorization. And there is a second subdomain with another CRM 2. We want to remove authorization from CRM 2 so that it works from the first one. Logging directly into CRM2 is not provided. So far, in my thoughts, to the link leading to CRM 2, make a GET key and check in this CRM 2. If the key matches, then display the content. Also do a check for HTTP_REFERER.
How secure is this CRM2 protection? Maybe there is another simpler implementation?

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2 answer(s)
Ruslan Polin, 2017-04-05

Is session transfer no longer popular? Or have you abandoned the standard sessions?)

Maxim Timofeev, 2017-04-05

2 subdomains, and one session.

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