Alexander Sharomet2019-02-08 17:19:38
Alexander Sharomet, 2019-02-08 17:19:38

How to properly parse a file?

I have a file with the following data:


At the output, I should get an associative array like this:
    'base-color-primary' => '#3687ef',
    'base-color-second'  => '#fc665e',
    'base-color-third'   => '#b143b3'

// $data - данные
preg_match_all('/\$(.*)\:/', $data, $arr); // Получаем значение от $ до : , получаем $base-color-primary:
for($v = 0;$v<count($arr[0]);$v++){
    $variables[$v] = trim(str_replace(array(':','$'),'',$arr[0][$v])); // Проходим по каждому значению и убираем $ и : , получаем base-color-primary  

I do the same and with the second values ​​I only get the value from # to ; (#3687ef)
And only then do I substitute all this into an array.
Can this be done in an easier way?
All code
$var = array();
        for($v = 0;$v<count($arr[0]);$v++){
            $variables[$v] = trim(str_replace(array(':','$'),'',$arr[0][$v]));
        for($i = 0; $i < count($variables);$i++){
            preg_match_all('/\#(.*)\;/', $data, $res);
            $var[$variables[$i]] = trim(strtok($res[1][0], ';'));
        return $var;

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1 answer(s)
dodo512, 2019-02-08

$text = file_get_contents('file.txt');

preg_match_all('~\$(.*):#(.*);~', $text, $m);
$a = array_combine($m[1], $m[2]);


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