Valery Ivanov2015-01-25 23:22:23
Valery Ivanov, 2015-01-25 23:22:23

How to properly delete a rule in iptables?

Hello! Please just reply me with command how to remove all rules for port 80?
For example, I will create a rule for port 80 to block one IP, then the second.
Then I decide to delete all rules for port 80, how to do it?

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2 answer(s)
Archie Kuznetsov, 2015-01-26

Good afternoon! As I understand it, you are not familiar with iptables. Then do it like this:

[email protected]:~:26/01/15-08:57$ sudo iptables -L -nv --line-numbers | grep "dports 80"
10  46M 8605M ACCEPT     tcp  --  *      *              tcp multiport dports 80,443 /* WEB */

[email protected]:~:26/01/15-08:57$ sudo iptables -L -nv | grep "dport 80"
10  46M 8605M ACCEPT     tcp  --  *      *              tcp dport 80

(The output may differ, but it will be approximately the same). The first digit is the line number. Now it just needs to be removed (line):
sudo iptables -D INPUT 10

Roman Bazalevsky, 2015-01-26

Only in the case of deletion by number, one should not forget that when one rule is deleted, the numbering of the subsequent ones creeps. Those. if you delete several - it's easier from the last number to the first, less likely to screw up.

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