Sergey Solod2015-12-09 16:08:51
Sergey Solod, 2015-12-09 16:08:51

How to promote the site by posting articles with links?

I am preparing a technical task for the article promotion of my site caxap.ru
I am going to write articles myself and on the topic (I can, or at least I think I can).
I would like to place articles only on high-quality resources. But I don’t understand how to set numerical parameters of “quality” that are understandable and taken into account by Yandex and Google when ranking.
Is it "traffic", "domain age"? Or something completely different?
I really hope for help.

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3 answer(s)
Vladislav Yanovsky, 2015-12-09

Always see if your article on the topic is relevant to the resource, because. articles about sugar on a car or gaming site will be off topic. It is desirable that your target audience lives on the sites where you plan to place it.
Here I propose to go from the opposite. What is a quality resource? One that is popular and liked by users. Probably search engines will like it too.
Accordingly, it should have good traffic for its subject and visibility in Yandex / Google search for relevant groups of queries (you can check with services like Semrush or Promoter . There is also Similarweb - you can also get interesting data with it).
There are tools that show conditional indicators of site rating from various services. MozRank (from Moz.com), TrustFlow (from majestic.com), Ahrefs Domain Rating indicators are often paid attention to - they are conveniently viewed using the RDS Bar .
An alternative option is to check potential donors in CheckTrust - there you can also see individual indicators for each domain.
Of course, you can use article exchanges to search for sites, but good, clean sites can be found on webmaster forums or directly in search results (it will be even better), it’s another matter that agreeing with the owner on placement is an additional task, sometimes difficult.

blogopoisk, 2015-12-26

1. It is highly desirable, but not necessary, for the donor to be thematic and your target audience to be there.
2. The donor must be of high quality. And this is where many webmasters have a hitch, since there is no single method for assessing the quality of a site.
2.1. CheckTrust and FastTrust did not suit me, therefore I use my interpretation of this technique .
2.2. If your donor's link profile is of high quality, check traffic dynamics in SEMrush . If attendance drops or is minimal for a long time, such a donor is not for you.

Sergey Solod, 2015-12-15

Vladislav, thank you very much!
In my particular case, the following algorithm emerges:
1. Sites are selected that:
1.1. Visited by my target audience. The selection criterion is a high place in the mail.ru rating in the "Food industry" category, a good (<30) SERP place for key queries. Compiled by the so-called. long list
1.2. We contact long-list personalities to see if it is possible to place my material (well-written articles on the topic) and a short-list is compiled from those who agree.
2. Materials are being prepared for placement: a link to my favorite caxap.ru , there is a key request (without nausea), the material (article) itself is interesting to the target audience, normal formatting, <1200 < 2000 characters.
3. Materials are placed (limitations - budget).
4. We analyze traffic and draw conclusions.
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