Googlus2012-04-23 11:16:29
Internet advertising
Googlus, 2012-04-23 11:16:29

How to promote B2B Internet projects?

We recently launched a B2B project in the field of advertising. Briefly described, it turns out like this: the service provides an opportunity for advertisers to place their ads on thematic sites (tourist) with payment for unique clicks.
Connected several visited sites. Now the question is about attracting advertisers, without them, as you know, it is more difficult to attract new sites, and even to no avail ...
What we did: we placed contextual advertising in Ya.Direct, placed banners on several sites, SEO optimization and promotion, respectively. Wrote to travel agencies. Didn't have any particular effect.
Question: maybe I missed some points? Are there any features of promoting B2B projects? I ask people with experience to share their thoughts.

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8 answer(s)
Ilya Plotnikov, 2012-04-23

It is necessary to communicate with large sellers of advertising, like Imho vi. We ourselves are in a similar situation, so it might be worth cooperating.

1nd1go, 2012-04-23

Attend exhibitions. Exhibitions are just the meeting place for B2B companies.

b2blogger, 2012-04-24

Googlus first get +1 for niche ad tool, great!
Now about the main thing: make a portrait of the client and determine where he is now. It may seem a little unexpected, but it is still offline. It can be dragged into the network through exhibitions / seminars / conferences, and the narrower these events are, the better.
In general, the set of tools is ordinary: I would create a brochure (white paper) and describe all the advantages of using niche PPC (comparison of advertising campaigns, comments from online advertising experts, good examples, etc.), I would make a schedule for press releases (announcement of the launch of the platform, announcement of the release of a brochure, announcement of cooperation with a new large platform, announcement of participation in a specialized event, any other important announcement). On the basis of press release activity, I would schedule several interviews with specialized Internet publications on marketing and advertising for a niche startup. The next step is to try to organize a webinar for potential clients, limited to 30-50 people with an explanation of everything that is summarized in the brochure, of course with goodies. And so, step by step, I would lure the potential audience into the funnel.

PlanetsDrawing, 2012-04-23

2 questions:
1) Is there a demand for such a service? Have you done any preliminary research?
2) Your details are sparingly stated :) But it seems that the model resembles the same Ya.D. If so, what are the stunning differences in your project? Why should an advertiser choose you?

Googlus, 2012-04-23

1) There is a demand.
2) If I describe the details, they will think that advertising. Yes, the model is somewhat reminiscent of Y.D., somewhat reminiscent of other advertising networks. There are advantages and a clear specialization in a particular market (tourism).
The main snag is that the project is new, not yet known. How to attract customers (advertisers), how to convince them to start using and where to look for them?

Alexi, 2012-04-24

> What we did: we placed contextual advertising in Ya.Direct, placed banners on several sites, SEO optimization and promotion, respectively. Wrote to travel agencies. Didn't have any particular effect.
Maybe it didn’t bring any effect, because it wasn’t done up to the mark? Internal optimization is practically absent, the visibility of the site in Yandex is almost zero, in Google for several not very frequent queries. There can be no questions about the effectiveness of the directive at all. Find a good SEO and context contractor, SEO + PPC works perfectly, believe me.

Youri_M4U, 2012-04-29

If you need to quickly, then only direct sales. Reach out to decision makers through personal contacts, social networks. networks and specialized sites. Write them letters and call. It is useful to go to specialized offline meetings. You can send letters, but they must be at least a little personalized, but the response will be from 2 to 10 percent, depending on the content of the letter.
I would advise to concentrate on one segment. For example, only travel to a specific, preferably not the most popular country, or only assistance in paperwork. Dial a pool of sites for this niche. And contact all the agencies in the niche. For each, make a separate well-developed com. offer with real numbers. From the series “Now you spend 25,000 rubles in Yandex.Direct and attract 1,000 visitors. We can provide you with 2,000 visitors for 20,000 rubles, while due to high-quality sites, the conversion will be twice as high, and the average ticket will be 20% more expensive.”

Saenko_O, 2017-07-24

You need to communicate with large sellers of advertising

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