Raul Abdullin2020-09-12 11:19:36
contextual advertising
Raul Abdullin, 2020-09-12 11:19:36

How long does it take for targeted ads to appear on Instagram?

Let's say today I ordered targeting ads for a certain very narrow tag.
How long will it take for users to see this?
The idea is that in a week we have something like a party.
And it takes a few days before that this targeted ad appears for certain users.

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3 answer(s)
Alexey Denisov, 2020-09-12

Launches in a few hours. But I recommend setting up advertising in advance, crediting money and setting the desired start date. Because your ad must go through moderation, there is a risk that it will be rejected, approval will take time and you will not be in time for the deadline. Therefore, it is better to go through it all in advance.
Ads can be shown many times to the same user. But if you select the "Reach" goal in the ad settings, then the frequency of impressions can be controlled.

Puma Thailand, 2020-09-12

Almost immediately

Natalia Petrova, 2020-09-15

It's worth the wait at least a few hours. It's better to really set up campaigns in advance, and make it impossible for Instagram moderators to ruin your ads.

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