bakasura2020-11-09 11:49:35
Google Chrome
bakasura, 2020-11-09 11:49:35

How to prevent user from reloading tabs in google chrome?

Good afternoon, tell me if there are ways to programmatically prevent the user from reloading Google Chrome tabs so that clicking on reload and f5 does not work?

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5 answer(s)
Pashenka, 2020-11-09

Duck page can be reloaded not only with F5. Stupid question. It is forbidden. You are doing something wrong, since such thoughts come to mind.

Adamos, 2020-11-09

Elementary: do not store its session. Logged in - and sit on one page. Opened it again or rebooted - log in again.

Anton R., 2020-11-09

Everything that the site can do in relation to the user is limited to the tab window, everything that is outside the window is not available to your scripts (and thank God), or are you thinking of getting into the management of the entire application using JS?

acwartz, 2020-11-09

pressing buttons from the keyboard is possible, but working with the interface is impossible.
Not to mention that when DevTools is open, the reboot button has a drop-down menu where there are 3 reboot options at once.

Antonio Solo, 2020-11-09

if this is for a local user, then you can start the browser in "kiosk" mode

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