return2013-12-22 01:00:56
return, 2013-12-22 01:00:56

How to prevent OS X from turning off WiFi on the login screen?

When I leave my computer, I almost always go to the login screen. And recently, it has become quite annoying that the connection to WiFi breaks, and with it, of course, everything else that hangs on it - VPN, for example.
Moved away for 5 minutes from the computer - connect everything again.
I assume that this was done to save the energy of the MacBook, but the same thing happens when charging.
OS X Mavericks.
Maybe there are some solutions to the problem? Third-party software that emulates a lock screen would not be desirable.
With coming!

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2 answer(s)
Arseny Karas, 2015-04-07

Faced a similar problem. Use active corners. Firstly, I made it so that when you exit the screen saver, the system immediately asked for a password (Protection and security - Ask for a password - Immediately). Secondly, I used hot corners (Desktop - Screensaver - Hot corners) and made a binding to the lower right corner with a combination of the Command button. With this combination, the usual screensaver instantly turns on and asks for a password when exiting, while the VPN does not fall off.

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