Space2016-02-16 14:19:36
Space, 2016-02-16 14:19:36

How to position your services: us or me?

How to position your services: us or me? I do, for example, SMM. The team has only me and a copywriter who does 10 percent of the work (just outsourced). How to position yourself - "we" do this or "I" my name is Ivan Ivanov and I am engaged in SMM.
If in this case through I - then how to do it correctly?
ps I'm not a smmschik, cited as an example.

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4 answer(s)
globuser, 2016-02-17

It is better to show customers full names and your specializations, show that you work in a team, moreover, your team is well organized, such and such customers are already satisfied with you, there are examples of such and such works. And even better - and so and so, that is, everyone develops their area and specialization (personal portfolio on their topics and competencies, indicating what exactly was done), positioning themselves as an individual specialist (for example, a personal page on a social network), and also as a company (a group of people), positioning their work in a team (for example, having already created a page on a social network from a company, a group, a community), already publishing a portfolio of complete projects (where all team members were involved).

sim3x, 2016-02-16

You develop a "brand" %company_name% - we
develop a brand named after yourself - me

dude2012, 2016-02-16

"Our company", "Our team", "Our team", "Our company", "Our service" .. To somehow sound officially.

uvelichitel, 2016-02-16

It is more pleasant for the customer to see a person bearing personal responsibility than a team that clearly needs to be fed.

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