Chvalov2016-04-17 13:47:32
Chvalov, 2016-04-17 13:47:32

How to pass the value of the fields from the database to the ChoiceBox?

I can't figure out how to correctly pass the value of the fields from the database table to the ChoiceBox.
The table has id and name
I use ORMLite.
In this way I get id and name:

    public void testGetCategories() throws Exception {

        CategoryService service = new CategoryService();
        List<Category> list = service.getCategories();


        for (Category category : list) {

public class Category {
    @DatabaseField(generatedId = true)
    private int id;
    private String name;

    public Category() {

    public int getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(int id) {
        this.id = id;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    public String toString() {
        return "Category{" +
                "id=" + id +
                ", name='" + name + '\'' +

Well, just in case CategoryService.java
public CategoryService() throws SQLException {
        source = new JdbcConnectionSource(url);
        dao = DaoManager.createDao(source, Category.class);

    public List<Category> getCategories() throws SQLException {
        return dao.queryForAll();


In the ChoiceBox itself, I need to pass the name list , but at the same time I need to get the id value into the int variable when I select the item.
UPD: At the moment I'm thinking of creating a two-dimensional array of the String type and passing id and name into it, and taking the data from the array, but I'm not sure what the right solution is.

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1 answer(s)
Anton, 2016-04-17

Hi Chvalov ,
It's not entirely obvious what the end result should be.
Something similar to this, but instead of numbers there will be data from name?

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