Dromok2012-02-08 20:56:57
Dromok, 2012-02-08 20:56:57

How to partition a hard drive on a server?


I take a dedicated server EX 4 from Hetzner for my sites. Screw there for 3 TB.
Question for connoisseurs. What is the best way to partition a hard drive to get the best performance out of it?

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8 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2012-02-09

I think the breakdown of the disk does not affect the speed, except that you need the correct formatting with alignment on 4k blocks for screws larger than 2TB.

Denis, 2012-02-08

Well, you would at least tell what OS and for what tasks. This is important, in my opinion.
In the current wording of the question, my answer is: "fig everything in the root, you can't go wrong."

Boris Syomov, 2012-02-10

The only trick to staking is to align to the edge of the screw block.
The rest will not affect the speed.
And according to the breakdown / size scheme, you need to look at where you will then place it.

Alexey Sundukov, 2012-02-08

They drank to me like this: When there are no special requirements for fs and it is not clear what profits a special breakdown will give, why freeze. And when it is clear which profits for which applications a special breakdown gives (for example, moving DBMS files to a separate disk), then there are no more questions about the breakdown. I ordered it in August at the NHS-1 (FS) rate, rustles, does not ask for food.
cat /etc/fstab
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0
/dev/md0 none swap sw 0 0
/dev/md1 /boot ext3 defaults 0 0
/dev/md2 / xfs defaults 0 0

Vlad Zhivotnev, 2012-02-08

UUID=d80a47aa-3e10-44c4-a7eb-2d9c62a257fd / ext3 errors=remount-ro,noatime,barrier=0 0 1
UUID=2800fd1b-d6af-4935-a14c-e2fb516b29e7 none swap sw 0 0

shadowalone, 2012-02-08

depending on which section these very sites will be located, because many control panels place them in / var
if in / home, then most of all under it, the rest is your choice, if there are large DBs under / var, allocate enough space. And most importantly, /var and /tmp must be separate from /, and put noexec for these sections in /etc/fstab

Vladislav, 2012-02-09

They have screws from the Green series.
Think very carefully about whether you need such performance and divide partitions taking into account 4k sectors.
I prefer ZFS, I add a bootloader to the boot section, I allocate a block for swap (2xRAM) and the rest for ZFS /
Then I play with limits inside FS.

Dromok, 2012-02-17

Thanks to all! I put a plus sign in karma to everyone who answered.
Broken into two sections. And the first is /boot, and the second is the LVM volume. In this case, there is no need to align the partitions.

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