Alexander2014-02-13 23:37:36
Alexander, 2014-02-13 23:37:36

How to organize work with user data in joomla?

Good time of the day. So, there is a task - the user registers - gets access to the functionality of the site (such a calculator of the data entered by the user, their processing and saving changes). Tell me, please, where to start? – I am interested in the logic from the side of joomla and what information should I study? I would appreciate links.

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1 answer(s)
Stanislav Klementiev, 2014-02-14

A very large knowledge base on Joomla - joomlaforum.ru
True, you will have to use the site search quite competently, because this is a forum. An active community, there are many competent developers who are not too lazy to help those who are just starting to learn Joomla.
True, due to the high activity of forum users, the prevalence of the engine and the relative ease of starting on this CMS, there is a lot of rubbish and inadequate school age (just ignore it).
IMHO the best collection of all kinds of knowledge on Joomla.

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