Artyom Zubkov2014-03-29 09:14:50
Artyom Zubkov, 2014-03-29 09:14:50

How to organize the inheritance of properties by an object of another object with the possibility of simultaneously changing the value of both (JavaScript)?

Faced with a problem. We need to create a number of objects that have a common behavior, in my case it is a get method , but also each has a bunch of other properties, based on which this method should work. Here is my code that turned out to solve the problem:

(function(obj) {
    function Request(action, params) {

        var that = this;

        for (var key in params) {
            if (params.hasOwnProperty(key))
                that[key] = params[key];

        function updateParams() {
            for (var key in params) {
                if (params.hasOwnProperty(key) && that.hasOwnProperty(key))
                    params[key] = that[key];

        this.get = function(callback) {
            action(params, callback);

    obj.RequestSomething = function() {
        return new Request(controller.selectSomethings, {
            key:  "",
            key1:  "",
            key2:  "defaultValue"

    obj.RequestCircle = function() {
        return new Request(controller.selectCircles, {
            radius:  0,
            x:  0,
            y:  0
})(testObj || testObj = {});

var rq = testObj.RequestSomethings();
rq.key1 = "test";
rq.get(function() { console.log(arguments); });

My question is what is the right way to implement this, using prototype or whatever is generally accepted. That is, it is necessary that the objects have a common interface, but each has its own implementation.

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2 answer(s)
Eugene Obrezkov, 2014-03-29

You need to look towards inheritance patterns, if I understand the question correctly. They allow you to define one object with a prototype and then create other objects with prototypes, extending the attributes and prototype of the first one.

VoidVolker, 2014-03-29


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