ruplace2015-07-11 18:23:19
User interface
ruplace, 2015-07-11 18:23:19

How to organize design work?

I know about UX, where data is at the forefront. That is, I studied the process "Observation - Hypothesis - Testing". I really liked the book (100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People www.amazon.com/Things-Designer-People-Voices-Matte... ). I recommend it to everyone regardless of the field.
This is the foundation and I understand it.
And what about inventing, sketching on paper, prototyping, mixing ideas? What to read on this topic (articles, books)? I read both in Russian and English, Ukrainian is possible (considering that there are really excellent web designers in the Russian Federation and Ukraine).

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4 answer(s)
Pashchuk Ilya, 2015-07-11

a good book by Jennifer Titdel, I don’t remember the exact name (“effective interaction of patterns”, otherwise the main thing is practice, until recently I climbed in the open spaces of Avardas and stumbled upon an excellent collection of books, when I find a link I’ll throw it off! and in general I agree we have excellent designers!

ruplace, 2015-07-12

Here I accidentally stumbled
Stefan Sagmeister: The process I usually use was described by the philosopher Edward De Bono. He suggests starting the search for an idea for a project with any object as a starting point.
Zillion: Edward de Bono is a psychologist and writer, and an expert in creative thinking. Born in Malta, lived and worked in the UK. Author of several methods for developing and activating creative thinking (“Water Logic”, “Six Thinking Hats”, etc.)
Let's say I need to come up with a pen design. Instead of looking at existing pens and analyzing how they are usually used, who is my target audience, etc., I start thinking about a pen after ... Right now, I'm looking for a random object in a hotel room - I found it, bedspreads. OK, here are the hotel bedspreads… they are sticky, they have a lot of bacteria on them… Oh! You can make a heat sensitive pen that changes color where I touch it. Yes, that would really be great. An all black pen that turns yellow at the points where the hand touches it. Not bad, and it seems to have taken me about 30 seconds. The reason why this works is that the De Bono method stimulates the brain to start from a new and completely different point - it prevents falling into a pit of patterns.

Sashko Bublienko, 2015-07-16

Perhaps here you will find some answers for yourself " How to improve the workflow of a designer ".

vapa, 2015-07-20

More about prototypes - www.mann-ivanov-ferber.ru/books/rosenfeld/prototyping

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