Vasya Surname2017-11-30 16:55:52
Work organization
Vasya Surname, 2017-11-30 16:55:52

How to motivate yourself to do boring work?

We all have to do boring work sometimes.
How can you motivate yourself so as not to be distracted from it and finish it faster.
I've been typesetting 20 pages for some huge amount of time. I’m distracted by everything, I can’t force myself, it’s normal to work, but I need to finish it.

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15 answer(s)
Anton Kiselyov, 2017-11-30

I’m distracted by everything, I can’t force myself, it’s normal to work

Turn off all notifications or turn off sound + vibration on your phone.
Disable all popups in Windows browser notifications.
Turn off sound on your computer.
If fast music helps, turn it on (I play trance with di.fm).
Take any stopwatch, put a timer on it for 10 minutes. Are you able to withstand 10 minutes?
After the timer rings, set a new one for 15 minutes. This is only 5 minutes more than the previous timer.
After the timer rings, set a new one for 25 minutes. This is only 10 minutes more than the previous timer.
As you understand, this is a smooth getting used to the Pomodoro technique =)
Now we take a sheet of paper and draw one circle on it, and paint over it with black.
50 minutes have passed. Now rest. Turn off the music, you need to relax: set a timer for 10 minutes, walk around the computer, look out the window, do light exercises, just sit with your eyes closed.
Do not pick up your phone during the rest and do not check mail / Skype (whatever you use there) !! - This is key. Rest should be rest. If you know how to meditate, meditate.
Set a new timer for 50 minutes. Once you held out, what, the second time you can’t? You can.
After that, rest again, 10 minutes.
After 3-4 cycles of 50 work / 10 rest, do a rest of 30 / 40 / 60 minutes (just in time for lunch + check mail / phone).
Then a new set of 3-4 cycles 50/10.
At the end of the day, you can check your email/phone.
The key in all this is not to be distracted by external stimuli, which we all turned off, and work on a timer, remembering that there will soon be a well-deserved rest and pleasure from what has been done - we look at the sheet with filled circles.
Also, if motivation drops, we tell ourselves a mantra: "Be patient only today, only one day. Don't care what will happen tomorrow, but today you have to be patient and do it."
For convenience, you can use any time tracker with a built-in Pomodoro on your computer, for example Toggl (+ I can still advise, I know a lot of trackers)
UPD 1 . From another answer: "To work for a long time, https://www.forestapp.cc/ helped a lot "
I tested the Android application and the Chrome extension and began to use it: this is a great addition to the technique that I described here, with the automatic shutdown of all external stimuli. Recommend.
UPD 2. Classic Pomodoro scheme - 4 cycles of 25 work / 5 rest, then rest 20 minutes.
But it is not suitable for work "in the flow" - while you are immersed in the task, 15 minutes have already passed and only 10 minutes are left before resting on the task itself, which is not enough.
Therefore, I use 50/10 cycles for basic tasks, + one 50/10 cycle at the beginning of the day for planning, mail, and other small things.

Sergey Goryachev, 2017-11-30

Creepy slaughterhouse , but it fits perfectly with this kind of whining.

tema_sun, 2017-11-30

The correct answer is delegate. And do what you love.

Alexander, 2017-11-30

Turn on the music.

artem78, 2017-11-30

Boring work should not be motivated, but changed. But if the matter is simple laziness, this will not help and any work will get bored.

lyaich, 2017-12-01

How many answers and nowhere is the main thing, as in my opinion. I don’t know about others, but I am very motivated by working together. If someone sours, does not work, is lazy, does not know how to do it right, I just take it and start his work, I like to help, and in the meantime the subscriber joins and starts working harder than me. Things like diligence, work, they are contagious. If you surround yourself with those who don't do anything, you too will just sit there, not really oppressing yourself, because everyone is just like you. If there is a suit around you, everyone is diligently stirring up something, the deadline is so modeled, you won’t be able to sit still either. Of course, it also depends on your condition, and the condition depends on health, and health on the daily routine, sleep and nutrition. I also heard that if every day is symmetrical, and in the schedule you have work every day without days off, then it will become a habit and you will not be able to do something else. But this sounds doubtful, so it's better to start with other points)

Anton Mashletov, 2017-12-01

You need to start with boring work in the morning. Do it first. And you will not notice how you get carried away. Thoughts like "I'll finish this boring layout before lunch, and then I'll chop into tanks / watch a series / ..." also help. And when "I'm going to scroll through the contacts and immediately sit down to do it" it's usually a fail, especially when the deadline is far away.

t00rt, 2017-12-01

Here's a great way.

Valery, 2017-11-30

For many years I tried to find the answer to this question for myself. Unfortunately, the correct answer is: none. The only way out is to find a boring job for yourself, which I did. It will take effort, you may need to move or somehow get out of your comfort zone, but nothing happens just like that in life.

Don Gan, 2017-11-30

No way. Work (not only in IT) is either like work or very boring work.
Let's say watchman. He sits in his booth and sours. Boring as hell. No emotions.
The driver - a lot of emotions, nerves, stress.
If you are bored - you need to get rid of this work.

Johnny Smith, 2017-11-30

Rent a small office with a cooler and a partner for routine, or buy a coworking membership. I don't see a way out anymore.

CityCat4, 2017-12-01

You can divide the work into parts and after each part arrange a short break, which you can devote, for example, to thoughts about how everything will be fine when the work is finished :)
You can motivate yourself with thoughts about what can be done with the reward received - like project, I’ll get a hundred thousand bucks, I’ll dump it in the Canary Islands and have a party with the girls there ... "
You can change jobs periodically - that is, you do one boring job, move on to another boring one, then back to the first one.
You can change a boring job for a boring one :)

Anatoly Pontyuko, 2017-12-01

1. Turn off all unnecessary messengers and do not go to sites where you like to procrastinate
2. Set intermediate tasks after which take a break, during the break, do not climb back into messengers, but walk around the office, look out the window, etc.
3. Think about the final and the result (perhaps this is a salary for you or just a thrill from the completed project).
I do something like this)

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