kravik13372021-08-11 14:00:31
kravik1337, 2021-08-11 14:00:31

How to monitor cs go server discord.py?

Hello guys, I would like to implement monitoring of the cs go server in my bot, but I didn’t find any information about it. Lend a helping hand please

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1 answer(s)
cython, 2021-08-11

For monitoring, you need to make a request to the game server itself, using the valve a2s protocol. There are several libraries in python that implement this protocol: python-valve , python-a2s
Example python-value:

import valve.source.a2s

SERVER_ADDRESS = (..., ...)

with valve.source.a2s.ServerQuerier(SERVER_ADDRESS) as server:
    info = server.info()
    players = server.players()

print("{player_count}/{max_players} {server_name}".format(**info))
for player in sorted(players["players"], key=lambda p: p["score"], reverse=True):
    print("{score} {name}".format(**player))

python-a2s example:
>>> import a2s
>>> address = ("stomping.kinofnemu.net", 27015)
>>> a2s.info(address)
SourceInfo(protocol=17, server_name=" 24/7 Dustbowl :: Nemu's Stomping Ground", map_name='cp_dustbowl',
folder='tf', game='Team Fortress', app_id=440, player_count=31, max_players=33, bot_count=21,
server_type='d', platform='l', password_protected=False, vac_enabled=True, version='5579073',
edf=177, port=27015, steam_id=85568392920040090, stv_port=None, stv_name=None,
game_id=440, ping=0.253798684978392)

>>> a2s.players(address)
[Player(index=0, name='Brutus', score=34, duration=836.4749145507812),
 Player(index=0, name='RageQuit', score=6, duration=1080.8099365234375),
 Player(index=0, name="Screamin' Eagles", score=1, duration=439.8598327636719)]

>>> a2s.rules(address)
{'coop': '0', 'deathmatch': '1', 'decalfrequency': '10', 'metamod_version': '1.10.7-devV',
 'mp_allowNPCs': '1', 'mp_autocrosshair': '1', 'mp_autoteambalance': '0', 'mp_disable_respawn_times': '0',
 'mp_fadetoblack': '0'}

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