vlarkanov2017-08-24 09:27:54
vlarkanov, 2017-08-24 09:27:54

How to migrate Mysql(InnoDB) database from MariaDB to Percona XtraDB?

There is a database (about 57GB), spinning in MariaDB 10.1. You need to transfer it to Percona XtraDB (it will spin there as part of the Galera cluster, but that's later, the main thing is to transfer the database to at least one node). The question was how to do it as quickly as possible. mysqldump works fine (database is consistent, compatible with applications), but the dump takes about 6 hours to fill - way too long. When trying to stream dump

mysqldump --single-transaction DB | mysql --host=IP -uUSER -pPASS -C DB

- same speed. A backup is made very quickly through xtrabackup (aka innobackupex), but the trouble is, the resulting backup does not fit Percona - it complains about a bunch of mysql database incompatibilities, perfomance schema, and so on. What to do, comrades? It is very critical to move quickly, with minimal downtime.

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1 answer(s)
Andrey Shatokhin, 2017-08-24

transfer with mysqldump. Then connect Percona as a slave to MariaDB (Check that the binlog format is the same and gtid settings). As the slave catches up with the master, switch to Percona.
Downtime will be a few seconds (time is not switching)

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