kazhuravlev2015-03-15 18:50:45
kazhuravlev, 2015-03-15 18:50:45

How to match a domain name in the play framework?

The task is to match not only urlpath but also subdomains or domains.
How can I specify a host pattern using conf/routes?
If this is not possible in routes, how can a custom router be described?

GET {client}.example.com/ @controllers.Application.index

I saw a link to 1.1 releasenotes . Does not work. Apart from this page, I couldn't find any mention of routeHost in the docs.

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1 answer(s)
Artem, 2015-03-22

No way. Write a method like
And on the web server, configure the transfer of the third-level domain in the queryString.
Or try request.host match {....}

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