Vladislav Pupkin2016-04-17 19:33:17
Vladislav Pupkin, 2016-04-17 19:33:17

How to make tomato and openwrt work?

For three days he fought a fierce battle, but was defeated. I ask for your help.
2 routers.
One router has tomato firmware and has access to the Internet. It is also connected to the computer.
The second router with openwrt firmware is connected to the first router.
Task: it is necessary to configure this entire chain in such a way that it would be possible to connect to routers remotely via webmort and via ssh.
Ps question removed. Router is dead.

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1 answer(s)
Andrey, 2015-03-31

Where there are tons of text, you have written in inline style, float: left,hence the problems.
And position: absolutealso redundant .

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