catquistador2020-03-15 13:22:56
catquistador, 2020-03-15 13:22:56

How to speed up sshfs?

I mount the FS of remote hosts via

ssh-fs () { sshfs $1:/ /ssh/$1 -C -o allow_other,reconnect,compression=yes,transform_symlinks,ServerAliveInterval=45 }

regardless of the channel to the server or pings - a monstrously slow speed, freezes on opening folders proportionally increasing with the number of files in the directory.
Are there options to speed this up?

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry Aleksandrov, 2020-03-15

1) it will still be much slower than other options.
2) ssh encrypts the traffic, how the output depends a lot on the algorithm you choose. There used to be an arcfour algorithm, but it seems to have already been cut out everywhere, as an option to use "chacha"
3) you yourself indicated the use of compression in the options, which again will significantly affect performance.
4)*** You can still play around with the keys that include the cache.

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