medbrat132020-01-05 20:51:42
Payment systems
medbrat13, 2020-01-05 20:51:42

How to make payments on a non-commercial site?

Good day, dear comrades.
I'm doing my own non-commercial project now. On the site, users offer services to each other, there will be an option to pay for services with electronic money (bank cards, Internet wallets), but this is just a convenient option like a safe transaction on freelance exchanges. Users can pay with cash in real life.
The site itself will not charge a commission when making payments.
Please tell us:
1. How can I organize payments, is there any free service for this? Or are there only services with a commission?
2. Do I need to draw up any documents or register a non-profit organization for this?

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1 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2020-01-05

abstract from
you want
to 1) use the services of systems - by definition "someone pays"
Listen, buddy, or he pays, or someone else (c) "Revolver"
2) use other people's money - by definition, state regulation, and therefore, how at least - banks, at least - tax

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