kanrtibnezhst2015-01-04 20:04:10
kanrtibnezhst, 2015-01-04 20:04:10

How to make money as a Web Designer?

Hello. Of course, I know several ways, but maybe you are already making money in this industry and you know something that maybe I don’t know.
With knowledge of UI design, Html, Css, Javascript, PHP.
I'm waiting for your answers

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5 answer(s)
Vladlen Grachev, 2015-01-04

Stop asking unnecessary questions and get a job.

globuser, 2015-01-04

you can try this:
1) freelancing for a low price initially
2) increase the rate per hour as you experience
3) find regular customers
4) consult for free as you experience
5) consult for a fee after leveling up
6) fight off customers and clients for little time
7) earn a lot a lot and on an island under a palm tree with two blondes

Spetros, 2015-01-04

Of course I know several ways.


vaux, 2015-01-04

In addition to exchanges, there are still such options: look for small design studios and ask for outsourcing, look for large studios with the same offer, team up with other freelancers, look for orders on forums where business owners can hang out. This is offhand. Surely you can think of five more such options.

Puma Thailand, 2015-01-05

You work for a month, you get five thousand dollars, you work for another month, you get another five thousand rubles. repeat until you get bored

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