alexkismartt2021-06-10 23:06:43
alexkismartt, 2021-06-10 23:06:43

How to make money as a layout designer on the Internet?

Is it possible to make money on freelancing (on exchanges / in telegram chats), knowing so far only html and css? If so, where is it better to look for orders (on exchanges or in chats)? And one more thing - where they usually look for layouts for free layout (for a portfolio, by the way, is it necessary to start?)

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3 answer(s)
Yaroslav Alexandrov, 2021-06-11

Is it possible to make money freelancing

- you can, you have to become a specialist, but it requires effort, experience, skills and abilities. In freelancing, it is important to promote your profile on exchanges and yourself as a specialist. On the stock exchanges, promotion takes from six months, with the growth of the rating you will start earning, and you will also receive recommendations from other clients. Regular customers will appear who will periodically contact you again and again.
How to make money as a coder

- it would be more correct "how to earn extra money", because with the prices for the usual layout it is not necessary to talk about earnings. The higher your qualification, the higher the pay.
where is it better to look for orders (on stock exchanges or in chats)

- you already know the main answer yourself, these are freelance exchanges and specialized chats, there is a third way - advertising and promoting your services, but this requires money and skills. Also, no one has canceled word of mouth, but this has been developed over the years.
List of freelance exchanges
Here is a topic about Russian exchanges
where they usually look for layouts for free layout

- make it a rule to regularly monitor and evaluate customer applications on exchanges, there are regularly real commercial layouts in Figma and Photoshop, typeset for free even until you're blue in the face.

AntHTML, 2021-06-11

Pure HTML + CSS layout has not been in demand for a long time, probably since the last static sites
. Everyone now needs Front, i.e. at least layout under stretch on CMS, and this is knowledge of the CMS front + JS / JQ dynamics

Puma Thailand, 2021-06-11

You can earn money anytime and anywhere
You also need to search everywhere

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