Ivan Kutsenko2019-10-16 19:09:14
Ivan Kutsenko, 2019-10-16 19:09:14

How to make @id look normal?

$vk->sendMessage($peer_id, "@id{$id} ({$first_name}), Предупреждение выдано ошибочно, с пользователя снят варн"

The bot sends this message to the command to remove the varn: "@id2000000003, The warning was issued erroneously, the varn was removed from the user"
An ugly look of @id is obtained. How can this be fixed?
PS All fixed.

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1 answer(s)
devil's jackal, 2019-10-16

Is this variable in your code busy with something? Check.
And in general, check what she has with you. You never know.

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