Breaking-cat2014-09-14 01:45:37
Software and Internet Services
Breaking-cat, 2014-09-14 01:45:37

How to make an interactive process flow diagram as simple as possible?

Assuming no knowledge of programming. Maybe there are some good services, applications, etc. You need to make a simple diagram, when you click on the individual components of which, some information about them would be displayed.

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1 answer(s)
lexxand, 2014-10-03

Axure is a program for prototyping sites, but a simple scheme can be made, and most importantly, add interactivity (popup window when hovering over an element, when clicking, and a bunch of everything)
Rutracker to help you, 6.5. There is, and the latest version from the office. site is placed and works on top of the broken line 6.5.

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