zakharov_pasha2021-04-20 16:55:22
zakharov_pasha, 2021-04-20 16:55:22

What are the ways to back up a database without using queries?

What are the existing database backup solutions so that copying is not carried out by queries to the database itself, but there is an intermediate layer between the client and the server, which remembers all the changes made by the client, and then they are made to the backup database - to reduce the load on the main server? And what is the name of such solutions?

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2 answer(s)
Vladimir, 2021-04-20

If it is not desirable to make a backup on the main server because of the load, etc., then the database is replicated to another server, and then the backup is already performed.

Maxim Grishin, 2021-04-20

If you take Postgres, then in fact there are no "interlayers between the client and the server", but there is a transfer of logs to replicas (synchronous or asynchronous) and in some configurations redirection of read only connections to replicas. The backup is a load of the read only type, therefore it can be performed from the replica, if it exists, but in the case of a regular replica, it is still a query to the database.
The second option is barman in the mode of archiving database change logs , which is an asynchronous replica for postgres and can make consolidated backups without touching the database server. But it receives data in the same way as a regular postgres replica, after it has been processed by the master server.

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