MaxSurm2014-07-06 16:39:43
Network administration
MaxSurm, 2014-07-06 16:39:43

How to make a website look like a “cloud”?

I am making a website for my faculty with spur materials. The first versions of the site were very successful, but there were problems, especially with the data warehouse. The site itself is on WordPress, but later I added owncloud, a handy thing if you can’t find something on the site or it’s inconvenient for you to climb the site, you go to owncloud and download it like that. But problems began with him. Constantly fell for various reasons and now it does not work at all. In the summer I decided to do a complete redesign and possibly start the project almost from scratch, but I can’t figure out how to make it convenient and functional, something like a cloud.
The main thing is:
so that people can upload files to the "cloud"
convenient output of files
and one more thing, I just have a hosting, so if you hang up some cloud, then you should probably hang it up on a home server, and this is not reliable

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1 answer(s)
Vlad Zhivotnev, 2014-07-06

Understand better why owncloud stopped working. It will be more useful.

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