test-cats2019-10-11 15:20:53
Search Engine Optimization
test-cats, 2019-10-11 15:20:53

How to make a website appear in search results?

What is the name of such a website design in search results and how can such a description be made? Thank you all for your replies)))

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3 answer(s)
Nikita, 2019-10-11

Micro-markup (semantic markup) Schema.org

Alexander Denisov, 2019-10-14

On the left are quick links. And, although they are generated automatically, they can be influenced, more proof .
You can also change them in Webmaster.
On the right is micro-markup for articles, Yandex recently introduced content reports based on their data and displays articles.

Olga Usim, 2020-03-01

Search engines generate results on their own. It is impossible to directly set in some "Webmaster" the appearance of your site in the search. Yandex and Google can even generate a description themselves, without paying attention to your description meta tag!

However, you can try to influence how the search engine shows your site in the search results.

Links to articles on the right may appear if your site has Schema.org markup.
For example, here is the markup on my site (in ld+json format):
<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context" : "http://schema.org",
  "@type" : "Article",
    "url" : "https:// названиесайта ",
      "name":" названиесайта ",
      "name":" названиесайта ",
      "logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://названиесайта /img/metro.jpg"
   "headline": "заголовок страницы",
   "mainEntityOfPage": "https:// названиесайта ",
   "articleBody": "описание страницы
      "https:// названиесайта /img/metro.jpg"

You will have to figure out what kind of markup you need to create on the site in order to get a beautiful issue. And then wait six months until the issuance changes.
By the way, it seems that Yandex does not yet support the ld + json format. For it, you will have to implement micro-markup in a different way, and ld + json is only suitable for Google.

As for the additional links (rich snippet) that appear in the bottom of the SERP, for example, with contacts and other things, they can be obtained if your site has a menu.
Yandex has detailed instructions on this. The most important thing is that the site should have a menu of the main sections, the menu links should have an alt attribute, which should reflect their purpose.

The texts of internal links that lead to these sections must match the title and h1 of the sections, etc. Here are all the details https://yandex.ru/support/webmaster/search-results...

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