Drawn2019-10-16 12:24:28
Network administration
Drawn, 2019-10-16 12:24:28

How to make a VPS server from your home PC?

At home there is a computer:
Intel core i7 3770K
32GB Operative HyperX Kingston
PSU 750Chieftech
Video card Asus 760GTX
Restless for 3 hours without recharging.
In general, the computer is idle, I want to rent it out by type: VPS / VDS. Interested in the procedure itself, what needs to be put on a PC (Axis, software, etc.) to start looking for people who need vps / vds in order to test some kind of web server or game server?
That is, if you still make a VPS out of it, then let's distribute it to 5 clients (for a start, what is needed)?

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7 answer(s)
Ronald McDonald, 2019-10-16

I want to rent it out by type: VPS/VDS

Absolutely no one will.
Well, maybe some schoolboy for Minecraft servers.
The venture is doomed to fail. The main characteristic of any such service is reliability. What kind of reliability can you provide? That's right, none. The power goes out - and your customers will lose time, you will have an accident on the line - and your customers will lose their sites, your PSU will burn out and ... well, you understand.

Roman Sokolov, 2019-10-16

There are free hypervisor options:
Windows Hyper-V Server
VmWare ESXi
Well, a bunch of all kinds of KVM on Linux (Proxmox, etc.)
Each virtual machine needs a white IP from the provider (ideally). If there is NAT, then no one will need it.
Well, advertising is needed with tariffs - usually a website.

Andrey Gavrilov, 2019-10-16

A useless undertaking, whoever needs something will be taken in Europe.

Nicholas Secret, 2019-10-17

They missed the most important thing, what disks cost, how many of them and in what array

Sanes, 2019-10-16

Do you have enough IP addresses?

Anatoly, 2019-10-17

VPS is unlikely to be handed over, try to deploy hosting, file a website / landing page and sell a place to host websites. Contact a website development company, promise good referrals.
PS. But the idea is so-so. The chance of success is extremely small.

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