Igor Roschak2016-10-17 14:25:07
Igor Roschak, 2016-10-17 14:25:07

How to make a slider with "input"?

Hello, perhaps the question does not sound correct (I will explain now).

It is necessary to implement such a slider, there is such a plugin , but it does not quite suit me, since the vertical scale goes from larger to smaller, but I need it the other way around.
Can anyone tell me how to change this plugin or is there a ready-made solution?

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2 answer(s)
sleepyKitty, 2016-10-17

Example #4 in your plugin documentation. Vertical slider with reverse numbering. Remove/Change to reversed: false and you'll be fine.

Andrey, 2016-10-17

and the next paragraph with rtl
here you can parse an example https://codepen.io/qkevinto/pen/KzxMdj

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