Worddoc2017-07-29 16:44:35
Worddoc, 2017-07-29 16:44:35

How to loop entire object with TweenMax animation?

Hello. There is a shutterOff function, it contains a function with TweenMax animation. I can not figure out how to loop the entire animation after all the timelines have been completed. A matter of life and death. Thanks in advance!

function shutterOff () {
    var shutterWrapper = $('.shutter__wrapper');
    var ww = $(window).width();


    function animation() {
      let tl = new TimelineMax();
      let $imgOne = $('.small_img img')[0];
      let $imgTwo = $('.small_img img')[1];
      let $imgThree = $('.small_img img')[2];
      let $imgFour = $('.small_img img')[3];

      let $rowOne = $('.row-1');
      let $rowTwo = $('.row-2');
      let $rowThree = $('.row-3');

      let $textLinesOne = $('.small_text_1 > span');
      let $textLinesTwo = $('.small_text_2 > span');
      let $textLinesThree = $('.small_text_3 > span');
      let $textLinesFour = $('.small_text_4 > span');

      let $colOne = $('.big .col-text-1')[0];
      let $colTwo = $('.big .col-text-2')[0];
      let $colThree = $('.big .col-text-3')[0];

// 0 — 1
        x: '0',
        ease: Circ.easeOut

        x: '0',
        ease: Circ.easeOut

        top: '-100%',
        ease: Power1.easeOut
        top: '-303%',
        ease: Power1.easeOut
        top: '-303%',
        ease: Power1.easeOut

      // 1 — 0(reverse)
      .addLabel('disappearance', '+=2')

        x: '120%',
        ease: Expo.easeIn

        x: '-100%',
        ease: Expo.easeIn
      // 1 — 0(reverse)

      /// 1 — 2
      .addLabel('appearance1to2', '+=0')

        x: '0',
        ease: Circ.easeOut

        x: '0',
        ease: Circ.easeOut

        top: '-302%',
        ease: Power1.easeOut
        top: '-711%',
        ease: Power1.easeOut
        top: '-712%',
        ease: Power1.easeOut
      /// 1 — 2

      // 2 — 0(reverse)
      .addLabel('disappearance2', '+=2')

        x: '120%',
        ease: Expo.easeIn

        x: '-100%',
        ease: Expo.easeIn
      // 2 — 0(reverse)

      // 2 — 3
      .addLabel('appearance2to3', '+=0')

        x: '0',
        ease: Circ.easeOut

        x: '0',
        ease: Circ.easeOut

        top: '-507%',
        ease: Power1.easeOut
        top: '-916%',
        ease: Power1.easeOut
        top: '-1120%',
        ease: Power1.easeOut
      // 2 — 3

      // 3 — 0(reverse)
      .addLabel('disappearance3', '+=2')

        x: '120%',
        ease: Expo.easeIn

        x: '-100%',
        ease: Expo.easeIn
      // 3 — 0(reverse)

      // 3 — 4
      .addLabel('appearance3to4', '+=0')

        x: '0',
        ease: Circ.easeOut

        x: '0',
        ease: Circ.easeOut

        top: '-712%',
        ease: Power1.easeOut
        top: '-1528%',
        ease: Power1.easeOut
        top: '-1528%',
        ease: Power1.easeOut

      // 4 — 0(reverse)
      .addLabel('disappearance4', '+=2')

        x: '120%',
        ease: Expo.easeIn

        x: '-100%',
        ease: Expo.easeIn
      // 4 — 0(reverse)

      // 4 — 4.5
      .addLabel('appearance4to45', '-=.7')

        top: '-810%',
        ease: Power3.easeIn
        top: '-1625%',
        ease: Power3.easeIn
        top: '-1636%',
        ease: Power3.easeIn
      // 4 — 4.5


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5 answer(s)
Alexander Kovalchuk, 2019-02-27

Using the uasort function

$array = [
    'id' => 123456
    'name' => 'name'
    'is_closed' => 0
    'members_count' => 3583
    'photo_200' => 'photo url'
uasort($array, function($a, $b) {
    return ($a['members_count'] <=> $b['members_count']);

BUT if you take it from the database, it will be easier to add orderBy when requesting

Alexander Drozdov, 2019-02-27


Vladislav Lyskov, 2019-02-27

php.net/manual/ru/function.ksort.php first user note

Maxim Timofeev, 2019-02-27

you need to reindex it by members_count, and then sort it

function reIndex($arr,$key){
    $result = [];
    foreach($arr as $one){
        $result[$one[$key]][] = $one;
    return $result;

$ar = reIndex($myArray['response'],'members_count');

alvvi, 2017-07-29

I see only one timeline, in order to loop it, it is enough to pass options with the repeat property: -1
let tl = new TimelineMax({ repeat: -1 });

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