Isaac Clark2015-02-02 14:12:06
Career in IT
Isaac Clark, 2015-02-02 14:12:06

How to look for work abroad?

Hello, tell me please.
I'm going to look for a job in Europe, from the priorities by country: England, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic. I am a javascript developer myself.

  1. Suggest sites for job search in the above countries
  2. Does it make sense to look for a job and submit a resume in a company on these sites (which you tell me from point 1), since I do not live in Europe, BUT I have a Schengen visa for a period of 1 year, that is, at least I can to go (except England)?
  3. Tell me an approximate salary for a javascript signer (at least a plug) for the above countries, since I myself have no idea what to ask, but I don’t really want to work for food.
  4. If the first point is useless, then based on your experience, please tell me how to look for a job in Europe?
  5. English. I have it at a solid intermediate level. Is that enough ?

Thanks for your help and your time.

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10 answer(s)
NetBear, 2015-02-02

- The following is my personal experience without any claim to the ultimate truth.
- It is important to understand that there is always a coefficient of luck, which can greatly increase the return on your efforts, as well as multiply them by zero.
- In any case, it's better than sitting on your ass and doing nothing :)
- Create a beautiful resume for prof. dating.
- The network has numerous recommendations on how to write such a resume. Do not be lazy to constantly improve it. It's not a lot of work.
- Be sure to indicate that you are looking for work and agree to move to another country.
- In addition to LinkedIn, the XING website is very popular in Europe, so it will not be superfluous to duplicate your beautiful profile on both sites.
- Wait until you get out.
- Described in paragraph "Passive search" you can wait indefinitely and not wait.
- Subscribe to profile groups on LinkedIn. Look for job ads. Send your resume where you can and where you can't. Set up an interview, even if it obviously doesn't work. Be bold and assertive, but without fanaticism.
- There is also such a site as JobServe . There you can create a search filter by keywords, countries, etc. You can also subscribe to the newsletter and receive search results by email. mail.
- Beautiful resume convert to Word and PDF. Compose a beautiful cover letter. It is desirable that the latter be written in such a way that it can be adapted as easily as possible to different realities, because it is sent along with the resume and must be individual for each vacancy. In addition, it does not hurt to write a beautiful standard letter with an appeal to recruitment agencies and an explanation of what you actually want from them. Next, we search the network for those same recruitment agencies that work in the geographic regions of interest to you. The bigger, the better. You send them a beautiful letter prepared with a fan that you know a lot and are able and are ready to sell your homeland at a reasonable price. Out of dozens, only a few respond, continue negotiations with them. Somewhere, it will probably come to an interview, and then the cherished employment is within easy reach.
By the way, here is a wonderful addition from Aleksei Podgaev regarding the English certificate. At one time I also had a problem common to most people for whom English is not native and they are not in an English-speaking environment. The problem lies in the inability to assess your level, because. no feedback from native speakers. I found the following hack for myself. I prepared and passed the IELTS exam. Very instructive and gives a real boost to the level of the language. If you are interested, I will share my method of preparation. This is a separate interesting topic.
The above disclaimer is equally relevant to the IELTS preparation system. This is my personal experience. The following may not suit you in whole or in part due to your personality, mindset or life circumstances.
Be that as it may, my personal experience can be summarized by the following theses:
1. You need to prepare only with a teacher.
2. The teacher must be a native speaker and ideally not know Russian.
3. The preparation period should not be long. No more than 3-4 months.
4. Classes during the preparation period should be intensive. I tried to take 4-5 lessons a week, sometimes taking double lessons.
5. I studied remotely, i.e. I was in Israel, and the teacher lived in Spain. I liked the system of classes so much that today, even if the teacher lives in a neighboring house, I will study according to the same scheme. Actually the scheme:
- The teacher has a public Google Calendar, in which the student finds an unoccupied period of time convenient for himself and assigns a lesson. As a rule, I scored lessons for a week or two ahead.
- After the teacher confirmed the proposed time, I paid for the lessons for a week in advance by transferring via PayPal to the teacher's account.
- The lesson itself is on Skype. At first we did video conferences, then I insisted on leaving only the sound, because. on the exam, you will not have help in the form of a picture and the ability to read facial expressions or lips. The exam requires listening skills. Among other things, I recorded audio of all lessons. This makes it possible to work out difficult moments on your own, etc.
- There are four parts to the IELTS exam, i.e. in addition to listening and speaking skills, you need "reading comprehension" skills as well as essay writing. To practice the last two, my teacher gave me a bunch of writing assignments to get my hands on, so to speak. Tasks were uploaded by her to Google Docs and shared with me. After completing the latter, the teacher can check the assignments and make their own notes, which are visible in the docs, because. there is a version history and you can see the initial and final version.
6. It is necessary to finish the intensive not on the last day before the exam, but at least a week before. Better for two.
1. Here is a link to a site connecting teachers with students -- https://buddyschool.com. It is likely that there are similar platforms, I did not look.
2. The teacher search algorithm is as follows:
- You look at the rating of teachers and reviews from former students.
- Appreciate. In my case, the lesson (60 min) cost 8.5 euros. It was 4 times cheaper than local teachers at that time wanted for a 45-minute lesson.
- You write off with the teacher/s and start negotiating.
- Take a trial lesson (required!).
- If all the stars align, you begin to study.
3. I once did such a feint with my ears. I selected 10 +/- suitable teachers and fanned them out with the following message:

Subject: Intensive IELTS preparation training required.
I have registered for the closest IELTS test in my area. It's on May 16.
I reside at GMT+2 time zone. So, my suitable time for the classes is at evening on weekdays and a bit more flexible on weekends.
What I already have. Currently I'm on some middle-advanced English level, as I evaluate it. May be I mistake.
What I need. I need some tutor strongly familiar with IELTS format to build for me (or might be already have this built) a highly intensive month-long training includes the practice for all four IELTS parts:
- A bit less focus on Listening and Reading parts. It may be limited by set of necessary tips and hints and as addition several practical tasks.
- A bit more attention to the other two parts Writing and Speaking, that the Skype format is tailored for them.
So, my questions are:
- Do you have enough familiarity with IELTS test format and preparation methods?
- Do you have enough free slots for at least three classes each week of the next month until May 16?

Then, from those who answered, I chose the most suitable ones, there were 3 of them. I conducted a trial lesson with all of them, as a result of which I weeded out two more.
Due to the fact that the size of the answer exceeded the established limit, it was edited and moved as a publication on Megamind -- megamozg.ru/post/10570
Added another large section on writing a beautiful resume.
Something like this.
I hope it will be useful.
Good luck.

Aleksei Podgaev, 2015-02-02

Just like you are looking for it in your country.
Complete your LinkeIn and XING profiles.
Google job sites and headhunters. In Germany, the most correct one is monster.de. I don't know about your countries.
Of course there is.
Write a resume and cover letter. A cover letter, as noted above, is best written as modular as possible so that you can change the content and adapt it to a specific vacancy - what skills the vacancy requires, those in the first place, the rest in the tail. Or you can write several cover letters for different types of vacancies.
The first interviews in any case will be by phone and skype. In some cases this is sufficient. For example, I didn’t have to go to a personal meeting - and so they took it.
3. I don't know in the indicated countries
5. The hard level is not an estimate. Try to assess your level on international scales. Ideally, have a certificate. But for me personally, communication in an interview is usually enough to understand the level of language proficiency. Accordingly, try not to overestimate your level of proficiency in interviews. If you indicate too high a level of proficiency, and during the interview it turns out that you have a weaker one, reasonable doubts may arise about the adequacy of the rest of the information indicated in the resume.
Good luck!

Dmitry Shnyrev, 2015-02-02

Linkedin - the right profile and you will be found.

itnonspec, 2015-02-02


Nikolai Lopin, 2015-02-03

I can speak for the Czech Republic, since I moved here a year ago. Vacancies for which local companies are ready to hire foreign specialists must be published on the portal of the labor exchange.
You can also read about the types of visas that are currently being issued. Salary is shown without taxes. You can find the tax calculator here
You need to fill in the Hrubá mzda
PS field, you can also look for a job on other portals, then the employer will enter the vacancy in the register of the labor exchange and you can apply for the vacancy officially.
If there are questions, I will answer in a personal

Andrey Vorobyov, 2015-02-12

1. Write the word relocate in your profile
2. Add everyone in a row HR HH, go to their friends and add more

gladkikh01, 2015-05-18

1) At one time I used this site
2) They themselves send resumes + it seems like you can do an internship remotely. And then the Skype interview, etc.
3) Regarding the salary. For immigrants, no more than 9-10 pounds, however, if you try, you can find better. The whole problem is that there is a lot of competition among the local contingent in the labor market. And in order to have a competitive advantage, in this regard, you need to know at least 2 foreign languages. Europe is setting the bar a little higher. In the USA, with the same baggage, you will find a much better job, and they are more willing to issue invitations for a work visa.
4) IMHO, it's better to start sending resumes to various companies a week before departure with the hope that they will respond somewhere. True, here you need to look at a specific country. From personal experience, I’ll say that it’s easier to find a job on the spot, even if it’s a little worse than expected, and then look for a more adequate option.
5) I repeat, in Europe it may not be, but in the USA, it’s quite

Puma Thailand, 2015-02-02

1) Yes, any job site in the right country is easily googled, now a lot of people are hired in the west via linkedin.
2) Yes
3) The senior salary is about 10k pounds in London if you work
5) Not enough how did you get together to communicate fluently with your colleagues?
Ailes how much did you sell?

Anhedonia, 2015-02-03

Czech Republic:
1) www.itjobs.cz
2) Yes
3) 25,000 kč Junior
40,000 kč Middle
50,000 - 70,000 kč Senior
(I took average salaries)
4) Most applications require an Intermediate level, while others require could explain themselves and fill out the paperwork. In offices with English. salary is higher.

Alexander Kubintsev, 2015-02-16

  1. wrote beautiful profiles on xing and linkedin
    Bottom line: passive search does not work.
    It must be admitted that remote search gives practically nothing. The only way to find a job abroad is to save up some money and go looking locally.

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