Denis Kotov2017-11-08 12:55:00
Denis Kotov, 2017-11-08 12:55:00

How to lock and unlock a computer on a schedule?

Windows 10.
There are three accounts on the computer.
It is necessary to configure so that the CAM computer is blocked on a schedule and unlocked on a schedule without entering a password.
Let's say on weekdays blocking at 22-00, unblocking at 9-00 and subsequent blocking at 11-30, and so on, and so that it works only for one predetermined account.
PS I don't want to completely deprive a child of a computer, but even when at work you won't limit it much.
Thank you!

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2 answer(s)
Kulver_stukas, 2017-11-08


Yuri Alexandrovich Morozov, 2017-11-24

You can make fine settings yourself:
Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Task Scheduler

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