BotaniQ_Q2017-10-30 13:54:05
BotaniQ_Q, 2017-10-30 13:54:05

How to learn good design?

Often when I have to make up a site, everything is mixed up in my head, I take beautiful pictures, beautiful colors, but in the end everything turns out not very beautiful and not convenient, when you open good templates, you can see that everything is laid out on the shelves and you can see that it was done by people who knew a lot about their business. I study the work of other people, I try to copy them, but I would like to systematize my knowledge about design and layout, so that in the future I would not do everything on my knees. Please suggest a good book or source where I can find this information

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2 answer(s)
Sanes, 2017-10-30

So it's not yours. Either copy or kill. Let others do.

Egor, 2017-10-30


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