tomece2020-02-26 17:25:40
tomece, 2020-02-26 17:25:40

How to issue an invoice of a foreign company to an individual from Ukraine?

Good afternoon!

Situation: I was contacted directly by a customer - a company from Europe. They ask them to issue an invoice for payment for services. Before that, I worked in most cases either informally (direct transfers) or through third-party platforms.

How to be in such a situation? Is it possible to issue an account of a foreign company to an ordinary individual, and will it be possible to receive a transfer to a regular account (to an individual) in a Ukrainian bank? I also have an FLP, but I haven't used it for several years, and I don't have open entrepreneur accounts. Need to work from FLP? Is an FLP required to have an account for FLP, or can I get it on a personal one? What other options are there?

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2 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2020-02-26

Your Privat is a miracle bank, and it accepts, and doesn’t take it for eggs (so far)
, so any invoice service, take the details for swift and go ahead
with Transferwise - then ask them yourself

Puma Thailand, 2020-02-29

An invoice is just a piece of paper; anyone who owns a notepad or Word can put them up

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