lik1732021-01-22 18:25:35
lik173, 2021-01-22 18:25:35

How to install OS on qemu in linux?

I wanted to install Windows XP on qemu.
Said no bootable device.
then installed ReactOS blue screen.
Other operating systems (WinXP and younger) did not start the installation.
Older did not try and do not need to.
qemu-img create -f qcow mydisk.disk 10G
qemu-system-i386 -boot d -cdrom myiso.iso -hda


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3 answer(s)
Valdemar Smorman, 2021-01-22

I and not only I just advised you to read this article the day before yesterday: Installing KVM in Ubuntu in your post Why is QEMU not installed on Linux Mint? , where you asked it under the nickname Maaj , and even posted screenshots that everything works for me, namely ReactOS, and wrote to you that you incorrectly commanded to create Wirth. you make cars, but you didn’t listen and again, under a different nickname, you ask the same question again!
Read the article carefully, install all the necessary packages and enjoy life!
In the article, everything is chewed inside and out!
Everything is working!!!

justhostRU, 2021-01-24

>qemu-img create -f qcow mydisk.disk 10G
why pervert when there is a virt-manager convenient for beginners?
virtualbox and vmware also have comparable performance on linux.

lik173, 2021-01-29

thanks everyone.
Installed using
qemu-system-i386 -hda windows.img -boot c -cpu pentium2 -vga cirrus

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