cjava2014-07-25 23:46:07
cjava, 2014-07-25 23:46:07

How to increase the speed of reading data over the network?

So, such a task arose.
Server running Windows Server 2008.
The data is on the SSD and changes daily. They are shared (SMB). Their volume at the moment is about 100 GB.
15 regular PCs with Windows XP/7 connected by 1Gb network.
These client PCs periodically read all data sequentially at the same time. Employees come with USB hdd and copy the data folder.
Required: Ensure an acceptable speed of copying data over the network with simultaneous access from all computers.
At the moment, somewhere after 3 clients, the copying speed is already significantly falling. The bottleneck, judging by the performance monitor, is the network interface, in the process of copying its utilization reaches 100%. If everything rested on the speed of disks, then, in principle, it is clear where to grow. But here the problem is precisely in the lack of network bandwidth.
Of the possible workarounds, I tried rsync with data synchronization on each client computer. But, the problem is that the data changes rather non-uniformly and I do not observe any significant gain in speed. In addition, the data must be available immediately after the change. Increasing the network speed of the server site <---> clients is not a cheap pleasure (the same 10gb switch costs very, very serious money).
How can this problem be solved?

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3 answer(s)
Alexander, 2014-07-26

If the bottleneck is the network, then why can't you add network interfaces and aggregate the channel between the server and the switch?

Alexander Borisovich, 2014-07-25

A funny question "How to increase network bandwidth without increasing network bandwidth"
1) RDP everyone to your server and you don't need to copy anything anywhere. But there are no 15 at the same time.
2) USB3 and go to them themselves
3) Each client has a couple of disks. They come and change to updated.

Igor It doesn't matter, 2014-07-26

if all the data is directly changed, then xs, but if partially.
Have you heard about incremental and differential copying?
I know, a silly newbie answer, but still, copying only the changed parts will reduce the time like nothing, and therefore the chance that there will be a bunch of connections at the same time will be much less and therefore faster

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